What Do You Do When a Calf Slows Down?

Linsay Sumpter explains what to do if a calf slows down after you have caught around its neck in this breakaway roping training video.

What Do You Do When A Calf Slows Down?

Calves can have a mind of their own, especially when a rope goes around their neck. In this breakaway roping training video, Linsay Sumpter explains what to do if a calf slows down after you have caught around its neck.

What Do You Do When A Calf Slows Down?
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About Linsay Sumpter

Sumpter, of La Junta, Colorado, is the head rodeo coach at Otero Junior College. Additionally, she is the newly named Commissioner of the Women’s Rodeo World Championship.

“Rodeo was a genetic default of mine growing up,” Sumter explained. “My grandfather is Cotton Rosser. He’s a ProRodeo Hall of Fame stock contractor—one of the living legends in the business.”  

Commissioner Notes: My Grandfather’s Granddaughter 

Until she was 13 years old, Sumpter was a trick rider and carried flags on stages as big as the NFR. She transitioned to competing in high school rodeo, and qualified to the National High School Finals Rodeo. Sumpter also got her first taste of public speaking and defending the sport of rodeo at age 15. She stood in front of the California State Legislature and spoke on behalf of the agricultural industry regarding a harsh animal welfare bill. Sumpter attended California Polytechnic State University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree. During her college years, she also competed at the College National Finals Rodeo. 

From a family of rodeo royalty, Sumpter’s no-nonsense approach to coaching and competition shines through in her series on BreakawayRoping.com. In addition to breakaway roping training, Sumpter has flanked bulls, picked up broncs and day worked for a living. Find out what is what sets her apart from the pack in her series.

About BreakawayRoping.com

BreakawayRoping.com offers courses on breakaway roping 101 as well as elite tuning with the likes of WPRA World Champion Hope Thompson, RFD-TV’s The American Champion Madison Outhier, jackpot standouts Josie Conner and Aspen Miller, and the King of the Cowboys, Trevor Brazile. It’s accessible on over 1,000 devices including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs, and PCs. Enjoy streaming videos from the barn, event or comfort of your couch!

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