easy peasy
How to Attach a Breakaway Honda

It's not as difficult as you think.

Danielle Lowman demonstrating how to put a practice honda on a breakaway rope.
Danielle Lowman demonstrates how to put a practice honda on a breakaway rope.

You have your rope. You have your breakaway honda. Now what? Danielle Lowman shares her approach for attaching a honda to a practice rope. Watch the full tutorial here.

▶️ Watch the video tutorial.

1. Round up a honda.

closeup of Danielle Lowman's hand cutting breakaway rope to slide off honda
▶️ Watch the video tutorial.

If you’ve purchased a brand-new honda from the store, you’re all set.

Reusing a honda? Using a pair of heavy-duty shears, clippers or knife, cut the old practice rope and slide off the plastic honda. You’ll be attaching this honda to your new practice rope.

2. Grab some tape.

Cut the honda off the rope you’ll be using by cutting below the honda knot. Slide the plastic honda over the end of the rope. Now wrap tape around the end you just cut. If you’re inclined, you can knot the end of your rope instead, but if you’re like Lowman—”always in a rush”—wrap enough tape to prevent the honda from sliding off the rope.

“This is the simplest way. I guarantee it’s going to work. Just put a lot of tape.”

Behold, the completed breakaway practice honda using Danielle Lowman's taping method.
Behold, the completed breakaway practice honda using Danielle Lowman’s taping method.

3. Add the horn knot to the tail of the rope.

Double up the opposite end of your rope and feed it through a horn knot to the desired length. Tie a simple knot in the loose end of the rope you just fed through the horn knot to keep the horn knot in place. Now you’re ready to roll!

Check out Danielle Lowman's finished practice rope setup. The tail of the rope will cinch up—thanks to the horn knot—around the saddle horn and keep it secure during practice.
Check out Danielle Lowman’s finished practice rope setup. The tail of the rope will cinch up—thanks to the horn knot—around the saddle horn and keep it secure during practice.

Learn more about the Roping.com masterclasses offered for all levels of ropers. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced breakaway roper, we offer a diverse range of instructional videos led by top coaches.

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