The Key to Getting to the Inside

Get your horse to cross over sooner with these tips from Lari Dee Guy.

The Key To Getting To The Inside

Breakaway ropers often ask how they can get their horses crossing over sooner. In this Breakaway Roping video, Lari Dee Guy explains how to control the right side of the horse to get in position to the inside of the calf faster.

The Key To Getting To The Inside
Click here to watch now.

About Lari Dee Guy

Lari Dee Guy is an eight-time Women’s Professional Rodeo World Champion and leading advocate for women in rodeo. Guy, of Abilene, Texas, teaches roping clinics all around the world when she’s not competing in the WPRA. She qualified for the first-ever National Finals of Breakaway Roping in Arlington, Texas. Additionally, Guy is a 2021 Inductee into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame. She is also a 2020 inductee into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame.

Roping Around The World, Reading Cattle, and Hauling Partners—With Lari Dee Guy

“Our goal with was to bring together the leaders of the sport, talking through and demonstrating the specific skills that set each one possesses and passing those talents along,” Guy said. “This is the type of instruction that will drive the sport forward, giving the grassroots access to education that’s necessary for breakaway to continue to grow.”

About offers courses on breakaway roping 101 as well as elite tuning for pros. The Breakaway roping video platform features the likes of WPRA World Champion Hope Thompson, RFD-TV’s The American Champion Madison Outhier, jackpot standouts Josie Conner and Aspen Miller, and the King of the Cowboys, Trevor Brazile. It’s accessible on over 1,000 devices including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs, and PCs. Enjoy streaming from the barn, event or comfort of your couch!

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