coach Shelby Boisjoli works with a young breakaway roper who is having problems getting her horse to break to the pin and leave smoothly. For this Breakaway roping tip, she breaks down the correct ways to use leg pressure to move your horse in the box and in the arena.
About Shelby Boisjoli
Shelby Boisjoli is a two-time National Finals of Breakaway Roping qualifier. She is also a winner of the 2021 Women’s Rodeo World Championship All-Around Title. Originally from Alberta, Canada, she is known for leaving the box with a noticeable first swing. Above all, this helps her rope calves no matter where they are.
The Boisjoli Secret: How to Master Shelby Boisjoli’s First Swing
Shelby Boisjoli uses her first swing as well as her body position out of the box to be so hard to beat in the breakaway. For her strategy on getting to the front of the saddle, visit
Listen to Shelby Boisjoli on “The Breakaway Breakdown” podcast
About offers courses on breakaway roping 101 as well as elite tuning for pros. The platform features the likes of WPRA World Champion Hope Thompson, RFD-TV’s The American Champion Madison Outhier, jackpot standouts Josie Conner and Aspen Miller, as well as the King of the Cowboys, Trevor Brazile. It’s accessible on over 1,000 devices including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs, and PCs. Enjoy streaming videos from the barn, event or comfort of your couch!