Strands of Greatness: The Ropes of the Top 15 Breakaway Ropers in the World in 2022

Here's the breakaway ropes that the best ProRodeo cowgirls will back in the box with at the 2022 NFBR.

The breakaway ropers of the National Finals of Breakaway have brought ropes as unique as the horses they ride in on to the South Point Hotel and Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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“I like a stiff rope. Usually the steer trippers and I are fighting over the same Dub Grants.”

JJ Hampton

Here are the rope trends.

  • Eight out of 15 ropers had the support of Rattler this year. Seven will yield a Viper or Striker, and world standings leader Martha Angelone will back in the box with a Spitifre 50S.
  • Poly Party. JJ Hampton and Josie Conner may not appear to have similar roping styles on the surface, but they both selectged a Dub Grant poly as their No. 1 rope of choice, citing that they have always preferred a true poly feel and a stiff feel. Taylor Hanchey, Cheyenne Guillory and Beau Peterson all selected a true poly feel as well, but preferred Willard or Webb as their companies of choice.
  • Outliers. Veteran Lari Dee Guy swears by a Cactus Tsunami to stay open in all weather conditions, and Joey Williams picked up a Lone Star Pink Caddy to win aboard her 2022 Nutrena Horse of the Year, “Baybe.”

“I use a 9.5 Striker from Rattler. They stay the most consistent in the heat and cold to me, and that’s what I’ve always used.” 

Cadee Williams
Pre-NFBR RankingNameHometownPre-NFBR EarningsRope CompanyRope
1Martha AngeloneStephenville, TX$109,096.71RattlerSpitfire 50S
2Erin JohnsonFowler, CO$72,087.60RattlerStriker
3Lari Dee GuyAbilene, TX$68,039.34CactusTsunami 9.5
4Taylor MunsellAlva, OK$67,891.26RattlerViper 9.5
5Taylor HancheyCarmine, TX$65,521.33Willard or Webb4-strand poly
6Shelby BoisjoliStephenville, TX$64,352.15RattlerStriker 9.5
7Jordi EdensGatesville, TX$64,244.51RattlerViper 10.0
8Joey WilliamsVolborg, MT$63,677.98Lone StarPink Caddy 10.0
9Rickie EngesserSpearfish, SD$58,861.83RattlerViper 9.5
10Cheyanne GuilloryKingston, OK$56,749.09Willard or Webbpoly 10.0 
11Beau PetersonCouncil Grove, KS$56,085.73Willardtan 10.25
12J J HamptonStephenville, TX$54,997.37Dub Grant3-strand poly
13Cadee WilliamsWeatherford, TX$54,172.30RattlerStriker 9.5
14Samantha FultonMiller, SD$49,303.32RattlerViper or Striker 
15Josie ConnerIowa, LA$49,232.85Dub Grant or King3-strand gold poly 9.5

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