Crawford’s Critical Breakaway Horse-Care Regimen

Jackie Crawford uses her horsepower to stay at the top of her game. Here's what it takes to keep her equine partners ready for action.

RC Photography
I’ve been riding T-Boy (registered as DS Sassy Shiner) for 10 years now, and I trust him with my life. He’s been been solid and sound, and I attribute that in part to the program I keep him on throughout the week and before and after competition. Here’s the program I use on all of my horses to keep them at the top of their games.

Feed Program

My horses get fed Total Equine and Lubrisyn every morning. That keeps their bodies in top shape, and it keeps their joints going. I think it’s helped T-Boy have the length of career that he’s had because I put him on it at a young age, and I haven’t stopped.

When I really need an older horse like T-Boy to have an extra boost, I do give him RedCell. That can really add some fire back into one, and that’s so important in breaking fast.

[SHOP: Crawford’s Feed Program]

Lubrisyn HA

Total Equine

Red Cell


I’m a big believer in exercise throughout the week, but I like to give them a few days off, too. I might rope on them one to two times a week. T-Boy will get roped on twice each week and roped on over the weekend.

We have a track in one of our pastures, and we take them three to four laps around that. I want them long-trotted, and I want to stretch all of their muscles out on that. I want them to be warm and break a light sweat before I rope on each of them.


I’m a big believer on warming my horses up before I rope. I want full flexion and full range of motion while they’re warming up, so I don’t put any splint boots on while I’m warming up. I only put boots on when I’m going to rope, and those boots will hold the structures of the leg tightly while performing.

Cool Off

I hose the horses off every day, and there will be times I find a liniment wash if I feel they’re body sore. I’ll rub it on their joints or legs if they really need it. A couple of years ago, Draw It Out gave away bottles at the WPRA Finals, and I liked it. So I buy that and use it after exercise or competition.

When Hauling

If my horses are getting hauled a lot, I paint their legs with drawing mud. And if it’s hot, I use Draw It Out on their legs. If it’s cold, I’ll put Back On Track boots on them as well as a magnet blanket to keep the blood circulating through their bodies so they feel good when they get where they’re going. Of course, I also always haul in Soft Rides everywhere we go that’s any sort of distance. Also, I keep full feed in front of everything I’m hauling at all times. That helps keeps their stomachs happier and healthier. BRJ

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