2022 NFBR Practice Session

Breakawayroping.com has your exclusive access to a Pre NFBR practice session.

Pre Nfbr Practice Sessions

Five National Finals Breakaway Roping qualifiers got together at Lari Dee Guy’s arena in Abilene, Texas, to practice before they headed to Vegas for the 2022 NFBR. BreakawayRoping.com has your exclusive access to their Pre-NFBR practice session.

NFBR practice runs: JJ Hampton, Cadee Williams & Lari Dee Guy

JJ Hampton and Cadee Williams join Lari Dee Guy at her arena in Abilene, Texas, for a practice session to get ready for the National Finals of Breakaway Roping in Las Vegas, Nevada. See how they tune up their horses and work on their mindset to prepare to rope for the $550,000 payout at the South Point. 

Pre Nfbr Practice Sessions
Click here to watch

NFBR practice runs: Taylor Munsell, Samantha Fulton & Lari Dee Guy

Taylor Munsell and Samantha Fulton join Lari Dee Guy at her arena in Abilene, Texas, and practice to get ready for the National Finals Breakaway Roping in Las Vegas, Nevada. Munsell and Fulton share what specific things they are tweaking in their own roping and how they keep their horses working. 

Pre Nfbr Practice Sessions
Click here to watch

BreakawayRoping.com is on Roping.com

BreakawayRoping.com, now a part of Roping.com, offers courses on breakaway roping 101, as well as elite tuning with the likes of WPRA World Champion Hope Thompson, The American Rodeo champion Madison Outhier, jackpot standouts Josie Conner and Aspen Miller, and the King of the Cowboys, Trevor Brazile.

Video content is accessible on over 1,000 devices including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs and PCs and, since teaming up with Roping.com, now also includes access to hundreds of hours of team roping, goat tying and calf roping coaching and event livestreams. With so much accessibility, you can enjoy streaming videos from the barn, the comfort of your couch or wherever you’re logged in!

Get access to the tool that’s helping top breakaway ropers fine tune their skills—subscribe today for just $29.99/month.

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